Contact Us

We’ve Moved!

Same Great Service, Just a New Office Location.

As of Monday, September 30, 2024, D.E. Duffey will be located at 8 N. Bacton Hill Rd. Malvern, PA 19355.

Rest assured, everything else remains the same—our commitment to on-time deliveries and expert HVAC installations and service continues without interruption. We’re just a phone call or a click away! 610-940-1400

How can we help you today?

Schedule a DeliverySchedule ServiceBecome a Customer

Noticed your oil level’s running low? Call or email us today to schedule your next delivery.

Having a heating or cooling issue?  Due for your annual tune-up? Contact Duffey’s today.

Become a customer and experience the D.E. Duffey difference today.