A Geothermal heating system is one of the most environmentally friendly ways to heat and cool your home.  “Geo” systems, as they are commonly referred, heat by using the consistent, moderate temperature found year round just below the earth’s surface.  The system captures this temperature in water that is circulated through underground “loops” and transported back to the home.  During the summer, this operation can be reversed to provide a cooling solution. Geothermal heat pumps can be more expensive than traditional heating systems, but they can be extremely efficient and can qualify homeowners for significant tax credits, paying for themselves in reduced heating and cooling costs. One of our expert Complete Comfort specialists will be more than happy to explain Geothermal in greater detail as well as the return that you can expect on the investment associated with this type of installation.

Call us today at 610-940-1400 for more information or send us a message below and someone will respond to you promptly.